farming practices

These terms shed some light about the practices that are used on our farm to produce our high-quality hemp.

Regenerative Agriculture

Regenerative agriculture is characterized by farming practices that work to counter the effects of climate change by building up organic matter in the soil and adding biodiversity while reducing ones carbon footprint and improving water quality and the overall health of the land.

Cover Crop

Cover cropping is an example of just one of the regenerative farming practices we use on site at Acknowledge Farms. A cover crop is a type of crop that is grown specifically to enrich the soil of a specific plot or piece of land rather than for the purpose of being harvested. They help manage soil fertility, quality, and erosion, as well as increasing water retention, biodiversity, and wildlife. At Acknowledge Farms we maintain covercrops in all of our fields, including types of clover, grasses, and legumes, to keep our land healthy and balenced. When it is time to plant our hemp, we till the cover crops into the soil which allows that organic material to decompose and improve soil quality.

Companion Planting

Interspersed between our hemp are different flowers, herbs, and other beneficial plants that enhance the growth of our hemp and protect it from pests. These plants are known as companion plants. Plants like marigolds act as natural pest repellents. Other plants, like borage and basil, are called catch crops. These plants act as tasty meals for our native wildlife ensuring that they leave our hemp alone.

Rotational Grazing

Rotational grazing, as opposed to continuous grazing, describes a system of livestock pasturing where animals are moved at regular intervals between different fields leaving those not in use to rest. This ensures that no area is “over grazed” and left severely depleted. At Acknowledge, we partner with our neighboring dairy farmer to bring his cows onto our fields. They get a great source of nutrition, and we get the benefits of the nutrients they leave behind.

Low-Till Farming

Low-Till Farming practices minimize soil disturbance by only turning over the soil in the small area you intend to use for planting. This allows the majority of the soil structure in our fields to stay intact, leading to better absorption of matter, increased microorganisms, and more nutrients for our hemp to absorb.